Aim of this Book

1. Seven-Year Wealth Goal: Learn a formula to build generational wealth, aiming to save at least 100 (cash) monthly and accumulate $100,000 in seven years. Discover the impact of consistent saving and investing for significant future gains.

2. Avoiding Pitfalls: Be aware of high-risk investments like spread betting, leveraged trading, and cryptocurrencies that lead to losses for most traders. This book helps you avoid common financial traps.

3. Understanding Terms: Gain knowledge of key saving, trading and investing terms to navigate the financial markets effectively and avoid losses.

4. Safe Investments: Focus on safe, productive investments with reputable banks or brokers. Learn about value investing in ETFs.

5. Importance of Back-Testing: Validate trading strategies through back-testing with three years of market data before investing, reducing risks and improving chances of success.

6. Confidence Building: Visualize a strategy to reach a $100,000 goal in seven years with $100 monthly savings. Learn which investments to pursue and which to avoid, enhancing decision-making confidence.

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