WS Mode application is available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store for download. You can try a free trial version for 30 days and make up your mind. Our primary goal is to help our subscribers move past the ordinary financial management and opportunities and raise awareness regarding enhanced financial investments. We primarily focus on offering top-notch trading signal services to our clients.

We are a trading signal company, and we aim to be a resource for credible financial information that people can use to improve their financial state and trading signal. We create useful content for the audiences that they can use to gain an edge when they start investing or trading. We also keep them in sync with modern financial tips and news and let them know how to invest in profitable ventures to stay successful in the coming years.

What Is Our Objective?

Our true objective is to help our subscribers unlock their true financial potential, prepare them for trading profitably, and test their limits with pre-meditated financial plans and tips. Therefore, our app offers six individual and carefully designed categories for subscribers. Here are our primary goals:

  • Encourage our subscribers to work for a business or their venture by exchanging their time and skills to build cash flow.
  • Help them see the value of saving a minimum of 10% of their income for min up to 5 years. This also means refusing a certain standard of living.
  • Encouraging subscribers to learn and study to build a new skillset for up to 5 years.
  • Provide subscribers trading signals for Stocks, Cryptos, ETFs other securities to invest up to 5% of savings.

At the end of the day, you would have garnered enough experience to handle your financial pursuits, make wise decisions, and maximize your wealth with the right opportunities. We have divided our core objectives into six different categories as below.

Goal# 1: Encouragement to Work Now

The first thing we teach our subscribers is to work as hard with their current energy levels. We encourage the readers to become a part of the functioning economy in exchange for their valuable time, skills, or products. So, begin early and begin wisely.

Goal# 2: Help You Save a Minimum of 10%

If your expenses equal your income, you will have nothing left in your wallet once you leave your job. Therefore, we strongly urge our users to start saving a minimum of 10% every month from every paycheck. Our application will offer different techniques, ways, and methods to help you save money and get a good start in the future. We will provide tips, constant reminders and also offer different calculators to help you cut down on expenses.

Goal# 3: Urge You to Learn, Learn and Learn

If you truly want to experience financial freedom in the future, you have to invest your energy into learning something continuously. Therefore, our goal is to motivate the subscribers to get a new degree, learn a new skill, or work as an apprentice. After 3 to 5 years, you would have understood something worthy of your investment. This is our primary objective to offer you financial wisdom and freedom for investments.

Goal# 4: Invest 1% to 5% Savings

We understand the power of investment opportunities. There are two investment theories we believe will improve your lifestyle: investing in yourself and trading cryptos, ETFs, and stocks with a limit of 5% of their savings. Therefore, our goal is to encourage our subscribers to make good investment decisions and choices. We also encourage and urge them never to invest more than 5% of their savings.

Goal# 5: Offer Trading Signals

As a subscriber of the WS Mode app, we will offer full access to trading signals of Stocks, ETFs. REITs, Indexes, Bonds, and Cryptos. Our goal is to offer access to our growing list of financial securities that are currently at a discounted price. This will allow the subscribers to invest in the right securities at the right time profit at a later time.

Goal# 6: Keep You in Sync with Financial News

Lastly, our goal is to let our subscribers have full access to our financial news. You may be familiar with the option, but industry knowledge will help you make the right decisions at the right time. So, we will continuously keep you in sync with helpful news from companies, countries, and individuals who have an impact on the trading signals and your financial choices.

We believe in helping our subscribers become financially independent. Our goal is to help you understand what to invest in and have enough savings to pursue your dreams within five years.